Gym Policies
Cal-Star Gymnastics offers a 100% Risk free Money Back Guarantee policy.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with your child’s class, we will refund your first full payment anytime during the first session at Cal-Star. For this reason we do not offer trial lessons.
We do not offer credit and/or refunds for cancelled classes due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather or any other reason. (Make-up classes are allowed if your class falls on a holiday)
No student is allowed to enter the gym floor to participate in any class without a signed registration and release of liability waiver by a parent or legal guardian!
Tuition is automatically run between the 1st-5th of each month. Enrolled students in class will have a email receipt sent following tuition billed to the credit card on file. You may change or delete a credit card on file anytime through the Parent portal. The parent Portal can be found on the home page of our website. If you prefer to pay by check or cash, payment is due by the 25th of the prior month.
Enrollment continues into each successive month on automatic, recurring subscription basis. Unenrolling can be done anytime of year.
Unenrolling can be done anytime by email or phone by the 25th of the month, in order for us to process your withdrawal request for the following month. No late withdrawals can be accepted. Phone or email our office if you have not received a response confirming your child's unenrolled within two days of the date you requested.
• Upon arrival your child needs to place all their items in a cubby located in the lobby.
• Please encourage the younger children to use the restrooms prior to class so they are not loosing valuable class time using the bathroom.
• Each class begins with warm-ups. This is a very important part of gymnastics to assure that your child’s body is properly warmed-up to prevent injury. Therefore, be sure to arrive a few minutes early so your child does not miss warm-ups.
• Please allow our instructors to instruct the class and your child; there is a progressive curriculum and skills for each level. Do not try to talk to your child during class. It is important for them to keep their focus and attention on the class goals.
• Expect repetition of various skills.
• No gum, candy, food or drinks are permitted on the gym floor
• Make sure your child is dressed properly for class. (e.g. Shorts, t-shirts, warm-up pants or leotards). Your child needs to be able to move their arms and legs freely. Leotards are not required, but we do have them available to purchase.
• Children’s hair should always be pulled securely away from their face.
• For your child’s safety, please remove all jewelry. (Stud earrings are allowed)
• Valuable items should not be brought to the gym. Cal-Star Gymnastics will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Drop-off / Pick-up
• Parents, please walk your child across the parking lot to the cubby/ front door area and see they meet an instructor for check-in.
• Parents please meet your child inside of the building for pick-up
• Make sure your child arrives on time to the scheduled lesson. Warm-up is an important part of gymnastics to assure that the child’s body is properly warmed-up to prevent injury.
• After your child is called to class, parents are able to view class from the lobby.
• For your convenience we have free wi-fi.
• This is a smoke free environment. Thank you in advance for not smoking inside or outside the building!
• No parents should be on the gym floor unless assisting their child in a Diaper Daredevil class. Parents can assist their child in a Diaper Daredevil class only but not demonstrate any gymnastics skill or go on any equipment. If you have any questions or need something, please speak with someone in the office. If there is an emergency contact the office.
• Please make sure that your child does not bring valuable items to the gym. Cal-Star Gymnastics will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Make-up Policy
• If you know that your child will be absent from class, please call us ahead of time. If your child is sick, please call the office at your earliest convenience. We are then able to leave a note for the instructor letting them know they will be missing. Advance notice helps us to provide make-up classes to other students when a space becomes available and we are notified in advance that a space will open up.
• Make-ups are allowed when the requested class size permits.
• You must pre-register for make-up classes through the office.
• Make-up classes do not transfer to future months.
• We will not offer make-up classes for missed make-up classes.
• No credits or refunds will be given for classes not made up.
(Recreational classes only; there are no make ups for team)
Class/Power Play / Birthday Party Rules
• NO food, gum, or beverage of any kind allowed in gym area.
• No throwing equipment or rough housing.
• Parents please come in to drop off or pick up your children. We insist on all children waiting inside for their rides. Please be prompt in picking your child up.
• To ensure a pleasant experience for all guests, we reserve the right to remove any guest who is exhibiting improper behavior (yelling/screaming/horseplay/fighting, etc.)
• Trampoline MUST be supervised at all times.
• Only one person on the trampoline at a time.
• Listen to directions. Make sure you understand what skill you are attempting.
• No “Horse Play” or “Fooling Around.”
• No bouncing or jumping off trampoline onto the floor.
• Avoid bouncing too high. Stay in control.
• DO NOT exceed your ability level. Ask an instructor if you want to try a new skill.
Foam pit
• Make sure pit is clear of people and objects before entering.
• NO head first entries.
• Always land on feet, seat or back as if sitting in a chair.
• Make sure area is properly fluffed.
• DO NOT pick foam.
• DO NOT land with straight legs. Land with legs bent and apart.
• DO NOT bury yourself in the pit. Keep your head above the foam.
• No flipping into the pit without approval by a Cal-Star instructor!
• Hands must be on the bars at all times (including parallel bars)
• No hanging on the bars by only your knees.
• No use of bars before or after class.
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